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Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis (Skin Diseases)

In Ayurveda, psoriasis is known as "Sidhmam". A serious skin disorder that causes swollen red itchy areas of skin. As a result of this issue, the skin will begin to flake off. Psoriasis affects the skin around the elbows, knees, and scalp. Palmar Psoriasis and Plantar Psoriasis are two types of psoriasis that afflict the palms and feet, respectively. The texts of Ayurveda scriptures give a comprehensive and effective ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis. As part of the treatment, the ayurvedic skin doctor would recommend specific lifestyle adjustments and dietary restrictions.

Psoriasis is considered by Ayurveda to be caused by a tri dosha imbalance. As a result, ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis focuses on removing excess or vitiated doshas and restoring balance. Internal consumption and external application of herbal medications and oils will be used to eradicate the doshas that have collected in the body tissues.

Ayurveda, unlike other therapeutic approaches, uses only natural chemicals and herbal formulations, therefore there are no adverse effects. Other medical areas may employ high-dose drugs that are harmful to the body. The goal of Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment is to go to the base of the problem. As a result, the potential of recurrence is eliminated.

Other types of medicine will only work on the skin. Only the symptoms on the outside will be resolved. As the fundamental reasons for Psoriasis still persist inside the body, this results in recurrence of the illness. The Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis is complete, which means it is less likely to return.

Ayurvedic doctors will assess the patient and prescribe medications for a specific amount of time. As a result, unlike other treatment techniques, you do not have to take medications for the rest of your life. In a very short period of time, the ayurvedic therapy procedure eliminates Psoriasis at the root level.

The psoriasis treatment in ayurveda purifies the blood and rejuvenates the physical tissues. Snehapana, numerous purificatory treatments, herbal oils, and ayurvedic medicines will be used to evacuate the doshas that have collected in the body, thus disrupting the balance. Our ayurvedic medications, oils, and combinations are prepared. As a result, the medicines are completely natural and organic. As a result, any potential for side effects or other concerns is eliminated.

Ayurmana has a skin specialist doctor with proven experience in Sharjah. They'll sit down together and assess the patient's condition before deciding on a treatment plan. As a result, the medical problem could be cured as soon as possible.

For the best skin doctor in Sharjah, contact us or make an appointment right now.

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