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  • Writer's pictureAyurmana Ayurvedic

Step By Step Procedure Of Ayurvedic Massage In Ayurvedic Centre In UAE

Ayurveda is a 5000-year-old holistic system of medicine. It works by integrating all the spheres of the life of a man and providing relief by eliminating the root cause of the problems. Ayurvedic massages are therapeutic and aim to remove toxins from the body. Everybody is different according to the chief philosophy of Ayurveda, and diseases are managed by the balancing of three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. One way of balancing the doshas and removing toxins is through a comprehensive massage procedure.

Here's how massage is performed in a reliable Ayurvedic Center In UAE.

Pre massage ritual

In the pre-massage ritual, the person is asked to take a warm shower before leaving home for an ayurvedic massage center. After this, warm clothes are advised to conserve the heat for the shower. Ayurveda claims that these amas(toxins) are dissolved and loosened from the body because of weather.

Special oil blend

A specially prepared oil blend is ready for each individual. This oil blend is made after a thorough Prakriti assessment of a person at the ayurvedic massage center. It is a suitable mix that balances all the doshas and suits the person. This oil blend gives a luster to the skin, increases blood circulation, and stimulates detoxification. This process causes the absorption of oil from the body and generates heat. The massage technique is very elaborate and consists of a variety of strokes.

Thorough massage with great ambiance

After the oil application, the body is massaged for an hour with circular and long strokes. These generate heat, loosen the knots, and aid in detoxification of the body. The person is advised not to stay relaxed. Soothing classical music is played, and the room has a great aroma. This is a spiritual experience, and the patient feels rejuvenated and relaxed.

Herbal scrub application

After the thorough massage, a herbal scrub that is tailor-made to suit each individual is lathered on the person's body. This scrub is rich in detoxoficants and purifies the body. It's made from several nutrient-rich products, and it smooths your skin. This step leaves your blood purified, and you feel better.

Steaming period

The next step is the steaming period. You will sweat a lot, and it's essential to stay hydrated by drinking adequate fluids after the steaming step. You will be constantly monitored, and after twenty minutes, you will be let out.

Final step

After this, you will be taken back, and the last round of light massage will be performed to remove any excess oil and paste. You may then go home and relax. You will feel calmer, and your processes will slow down. This will work better if you let the oil be there on your skin and bask in the glow.

Thus ayurvedic massage can be performed to rid your body of toxins, tiredness completely, and balance your doshas. At Ayurmana Ayurveda, they present a complete massage procedure that helps an individual deal with all the bodily stress and relax you completely. Visit them today while looking for an ayurvedic massage center in an international city.

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