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  • Writer's pictureAyurmana Ayurvedic

Ways to Reinvent your Benefits of Yoga

After declaring 21st June International Yoga Day in 2014 the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has stressed the importance of Yoga in one’s life. Yoga is now spreading all over the world and people are also getting the awareness of the benefits of Yoga. You can join a reputed firm/institution for the Yoga class in DSO. Yoga is supported by everyone and it has several benefits.

Time to overcome blockage manifests:

Yoga is a tool for spiritual evolution. Yoga is a tool for improving and attaining physical fitness. Yoga is a tool for breath control. Yoga is a tool to calm the mind. Yoga is a tool of therapy. Yoga means different things for different people. Yoga is all this and much more. Women are also doing Yoga. They can join Yoga Classes for ladies to learn yoga for their good health.

Our human body is made up of the five elements which make up the universe around us. We all are but a representation of the cosmos. We are in a state of good health when we are in tune with the cosmos and the five elements within us are in a state of balance. There is a continuous change happening due to our lifestyle, eating habits, activities, emotions and our response to the changes happening around us. All these aspects result in the prana or life energy getting dissipated as the flow of this energy is obstructed. This obstruction or blockage manifests in the form of diseases and ailments over time.

Maintain a balance with the universe around us:

Yoga asana practice focuses on opening the blockages at the physical and mental levels. If you want to do practice Yoga then you can join different states of yoga classes in Qusais. Asana practice helps in improving one’s flexibility and build strength over a period of time so that the ailments at the physical level are reduced.

Yoga seeks to bring and maintain a state of balance within us and with the universe around us. Yoga seeks to do this by removing the impurities so that the obstacles or hurdles in the path of flow of life energy are eliminated paving the way for the energy to converge within the body.

The breath-based asana practice seeks to activate the fire and also helps in the mind to get focused. Pranayama works on the breath and seeks to use the breath to kindle the fire within us towards the toxins and impurities in us and burn them. The pratyahara, Dharana, dhyana and samadhi limbs of yoga seek to calm the mind, increase the focus and attention and clarity in our thought process.

If you also want better health then you can also join Ayurmana for yoga class in DSO.

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